Changes for Zthes profile, version 0.3b
17th October 2001
Changes between versions
- Add the ``changes'' section.
- Note the author's change of affiliation and email address.
- Add postings sub-record.
- Change termType representation of Preferred Term from
``NT'' to ``PT'' (to avoid confusion with ``NT'', meaning
Narrower Term).
- Remove the ``TT'' value of termType (which is redundant,
since it's always true when there are no ``BT'' relations.)
- Add multilingual support, in the form of the new ``LE'' value of
the relationType element.
- Add thesAdmin access point, used to find
records which are considered suitable starting points for
browsing, and to find whole-thesaurus information.
- Add the relatedTermID access point, used to find all the
records related to a specified one in a specified way.
- Specify the OIDs of objects defined in this profile.
- Remove sourceDb, createdBy and
modifiedBy from tagSet-Zthes: equivalents are being
added to tagSet-M and/or tagSet-G; the schema now uses these
new generic elements in place of the old tagSet-Zthes ones.
- Remove createdBy and modifiedBy from the Zthes-1
attribute set: equivalents are being added to the utility
and/or cross-domain attribute sets; searching now uses these
new generic access points, together with appropriate
functional qualifiers, in place of the old Zthes-1 ones.
- Some utility attribute-set access points have been renumbered
and/or renamed: this version of the Zthes profile uses the new
numbers and names.
- Add section 3.7 about Explain (contributed by Denis Lynch).
- Add the use of Scan to the section on future directions.
- Remove lightweight support for non-preferred terms, use of the
Z39.50 date/time structure and alternative representation of
relationType from the section on future directions.
- Update the reference to the utility attribute set.
- Update Appendix C to describe current implementations, including
URLs to running systems.
- Add Appendix D to describe current applications.
- Minor editorial changes and corrections.