
Changes for Zthes profile, version 0.5

17th October 2001

Changes between versions 0.4a and 0.5:

Substantive Changes

These changes may require changes to existing implementations.

  • Use the new OID 1.2.840.10003.14.8 for tagSet-Zthes, rather than the old ``private'' OID 1.2.840.10003.14.1000.136.1.
  • Specify that brief records, requested with element-set "b", should omit postings sub-records. This was always the intention, but the brief element-set definition was not updated when the postings sub-record was introduced in version 0.3b.

See also the important changes in v0.5 of the XML DTD.

Editorial Changes

These changes require no changes to existing implementations, and serve only to improve the clarity of the document and of the processes by which it is maintained. They largely reflect changes outside of the profile itself - e.g. ZIG resolutions and the establishment of the Zthes web site.

  • Include the profile's version number in its title.
  • Use CVS version-control identifier instead of SCCS.
  • Removed the old section 0 on changes between versions, since these are now documented at zthes.z3950.org/profile
  • In section 1.2 (Status), note that the specifications are now essentially stable.
  • Use the new <mike@zthes.z3950.org> email address for the author.
  • In the list of optional abstract searches in section 2.3, list the abstract equivalents of all the optional concrete searches listed in section 3.6.
  • Swapped the order of the note and language elements in the Z39.50 schema so as to match both the abstract schema and the XML DTD.
  • Removed the note about uncertainty of the tag value for the tagSet-G element databaseName, as it's been ratified by the ZIG.
  • Removed the note about uncertainty of the tag value for the tagSet-M elements record created by and record modified by, as they've been ratified by the ZIG.
  • At the end of section 3.3 (Z39.50 schema), mention specifically that schemaIdentifier is allowed as an optional element.
  • Specify that brief records, requested with element-set "b", should omit postings sub-records. This was always the intention, but the brief element-set definition was not updated when the postings sub-record was introduced in version 0.3b.
  • Removed the note about uncertainty of the OID for the AuthorityFileInfo EXTERNAL as it's been ratified by the ZIG.
  • Move the AuthorityFileInfo OID into the table in section 3.1.
  • Remove Appendix B (The Zthes Abstract Model in XML), since that information is now available at zthes.z3950.org/xml (The new version of the DTD allows multiple terms in a document.)
  • Remove Appendix C (Implementations), which contained a summary of information now found at zthes.z3950.org/impl
  • Remove Appendix D (Applications), which contained a summary of information now found at zthes.z3950.org/apps
  • Minor editorial changes and corrections.
  • Minor formatting changes to harmonise with the new Zthes website at zthes.z3950.org